Project 5 | Mobile Robot Car

Connection Diagram

Step-by-step Guide | Let's Build the Project

1. Get a plastic food container.

2. Hold the ultrasonic sensor at the front of the container and mark its area with a marker.

3. Mark the area of the headlights.

4. Mark the holes for motors on the two sides.

5. Create four holes at the bottom of the container to attach the castor.

5. Hold REKA:BIT on top of the container and mark the area around the used ports.

6. Cut out the marked areas on the container.

7. Attach the LEDs and ultrasonic sensor to the front of the container.

8. Use cable ties to attach the motors to the marked locations.

9. Attach the wheels to the motors.

10. Use cable ties to attach the castor to the bottom of the container.

11. Place the RGB stick on top of the container using double-sided tape or blue tack.

12. Connect the wires from the right wheel to the MOTOR 2 terminal on the REKA:BIT board.

13. Connect the wires from the left wheel to the MOTOR 1 terminal.

14. Connect the RGB stick, 2 LEDs, ultrasonic sensor, and battery jack to the REKA:BIT board.